Free Gift to YOU - Morning & Evening Rituals Video

We've made it this far into 2020, and self care will carry us through to the finish line! Our gift to you this Black Friday is FREE ACCESS to the Morning & Evening Rituals portion of Envision & Manifest Your Creative & Successful Yoga Business.
The biggest step in creating a successful yoga business is finding your pefect work life balance. You'll learn creative ways to set aside time for YOU. Whether it's a sacred space, meditation practice, or how to use triggers like a cup of coffee to remind you of the commitment you've made to yourself.
My personal favorite is the journal practice. The three page free writing option finally gave me permission to write down every thought, feeling, frustration, and joy I experience. It's amazing what comes out when you let your thoughts flow onto the pages without an agenda.
Meditation is like decluttering your house, and journaling is the last step of dropping off your donations. I'm sure you'll find something that resonates with you!
Treat yourself! You're worth it!
Written By: Diamond